Alexander Technique in Norwich

Proven* to reduce your back pain and neck pain.

Alexander Technique is a practical method that reduces muscular tension, pain and stress. 

It is different to other things you may have tried because it’s something you learn rather than something that is done to you, or exercise.

You will learn a lifelong skill.

Alexander Technique helps you to make changes in deep seated habits in the way you use your body and maintain your posture. 

It is not a quick temporary fix, it is about real, lasting change.

Are you ready to make the changes that will shift your pain?

It has transformed my belief in what me and my back are able to do.
Sophie Ellis

Musculo-skeletal Pain

My specialism is back pain and other chronic pain conditions, which is why I developed my pain freedom pathway course to give you everything you need to recover from back, neck and other persistent musculoskeletal pain.

But the skills I teach have other wide ranging benefits. This is because how you use your body affects so much.

Good Posture

Learn to have effortless, comfortable poise, not a rigid posture you just can’t keep up.

Improve your movement in sports and activities

Learn greater freedom of movement and ease in anything from yoga, to hiking, running or horse-riding.

Support management of hypermobility (HMS/hEDS)

Alexander Technique is very gentle, and does not involve manipulation, so it is already very safe for people with problematic hypermobility.

However, a modified approach can help even more. I adapt my teaching according to your needs so you can avoid the bit of confusion that can occur when ‘classic’ Alexander Technique is taught to hypermobile people, and get the benefits faster.

Want to work on your posture, or help a condition or activity?

I now have a new way of thinking, and a new way of holding myself, which has given me more freedom both physically and mentally!

What happens in a lesson?

Alexander Technique doesn’t involve manipulation. Lessons in person are a combination of talking and gentle touch. You remain fully clothed throughout.

We use gentle movement ‘games’, but this isn’t exercise, it’s movement re-education. Everything is tailored to you and your abilities.

Want to see if Alexander Technique is right for you?


If you are ready to dive in, you can book your introductory lesson and assessment now.

Alexander Technique in Norwich

How it Works

Start here!

Introductory Lesson

  • 1 full hour lesson, includes a written assessment and personalised plan for your next lessons
  • Required to progress to single lessons or the 6 lesson plan
  • Worth £80, but I only charge £40,
  • Get benefits and skills to take away from your very first lesson


THEN move onto one of the following 3 options

Single Lesson

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Single, effective forty-five minute lesson
  • Requires an introductory lesson first


6 Lesson Plan

  • When we’re both happy after your introductory lesson you have the option to buy your 6 Lesson Plan
  • A structured course to give you a set of skills, but personalised to you and your needs
  • 6 forty-five minute lessons

£295. Save £65

Pain Freedom Pathway Course

  • If back, neck or other musculoskeletal pain is your main motivation for learning Alexander Technique, I recommend my Pain Freedom Pathway course
  • Combines hands-on Alexander Technique in Norwich with an online course and group support. This is an incredibly high value course which will give you life long results

Having had bad neck and back pain I have had sessions with Mireille and the effect has been brilliant. I have become aware of the tension in my neck and have learnt how to lengthen and release my muscles and using the semi supine position has allowed me to relax and the pain has decreased.

Within the last couple of weeks I have had no pain at all for the first time in five months, even with all the horse riding and horse care I have been doing. I can highly recommend giving the Alexander Technique a go! Thank you Mireille. 

Jane R

Why a 6 lesson plan?

Learning Alexander technique is like learning a language or a musical instrument: you need to do a number of lessons to be able to use it for yourself.

Just 6 lessons can be very beneficial for back pain,  and can give you a great basic set of skills in managing posture or pain.

You can quickly learn the basics and start using them in your daily life – at home, at work or at play. You will become aware of your posture and unconscious reactions – and start to change them. You will soon start experiencing easier movement with less tension and pain. You can make friends with your body again!

I use step-by-step explanations and physical and verbal feedback to help you get in touch with your body. Lessons are relaxing, engaging and go at the right pace for you. I give you clear ‘homework’ to work on between lessons to allow you to integrate your learning into your life.

The goal is your independence – I have done my job when you don’t need me anymore!

Longer standing or more complex problems may need more input to resolve. You can take further blocks of  lessons until you feel you have learnt all you need. As a guide: 3-4 blocks of 6 lessons are what people commonly find makes a profound, life changing impact. 

There was a large randomised controlled trial on back pain that found that just 6 lessons had a very positive effect on back pain, but that 24 lessons reduced pain on average for 21 days a month to 3 days a month. And those results persisted a year later. Would you like to have 18 fewer days of pain a month?

This is why I developed my Pain Freedom Pathway Course – to give you the level of input that means you can be confident of a substantial and lasting change with long standing back, neck and musculoskeletal pain. All in a great value package, with long term access to resources to keep up your skills. 

But many people have found just 6 lessons (or fewer, just one in some cases!) to make a big difference to their pain or posture, and they continue to use their skills for life.

women running with dog

Covid Policy

Although restrictions have now been eased, Covid is still with us, and some of the people I work with are vulnerable, so I still take sensible precautions.

For my Alexander Technique lessons in Norwich:

  • I make sure the rooms I use are well ventilated.
  • I leave time between each lesson to clean surfaces and have an air change.
  • I can wear a mask that will protect us both. You may wear one if you want. I no longer do this routinely, but am very happy to wear one if you would like me to.  
  • We will both sanitise our hands before and after the session.
  • I use lateral flow tests when appropriate, but not routinely currently.  I am happy to take a lateral flow before each lesson if you have any vulnerability.

*Alexander technique showed great results for back pain in a large scale gold-standard trial funded by the NHS. See more here

Alexander Technique showed clinically relevant improvements (quite a bit more than ‘statistically significant’) in neck pain in this substantial randomised controlled trial. 


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